Jeanne & Nowell Donovan (Summer) Study Abroad Scholarship

The Jeanne and Nowell Donovan Study Abroad Scholarship assists students enrolled in summer study abroad programs through TCU. The scholarship was established for the genius loci travel programs such as Rhino Initiative in South Africa, Honors Program to Guanajuato, Mexico and the Fine Arts Program in Tuscany, Italy. Other summer study abroad programs meeting similar experiences may be eligible as well. Students who do not have their program fee covered in full by other scholarships are encouraged to apply.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Write a short personal narrative about how you will use your study abroad experience to deepen your desire and understanding to become an exceptional global citizen. How will the experience contribute to and broaden your knowledge and skills in your academic field? How do you hope it will impact your career?
  2. Authorize and Release Statement
    • 1. I confirm the information I provide on this form, as well as my education record, financial and FAFSA, TASFA or CSS data, can be shared with the Scholarship Selection Committee and scholarship providers for the application, award, and/or administration of institutional aid programs, or for the purpose of assisting me in applying for and receiving financial assistance for any component of my cost of attendance. I authorize release of personally identifiable information protected by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended) as applicable for application, award and administration of all scholarship opportunities through this process. For further questions please call 817-257-7858.
    • 2. Full Name
    • 3. Authorization Date